Monday, July 7, 2014

Crowd-funding for the literary world

Pubslush is crowd funding specifically for literary world.  You offer some reward, the person makes a financial pledge, and you're both locked into a legal agreement if the campaign is successful.  It's a great site because they don't just drop you like you’re hot after your campaign is finish.  They also help make sure that you have nothing to lose with running a campaign.

It can be awesome if you already come to it with a platform and a plan of action.  If you don't, they will take down your crappy campaign laying goose eggs for dollar amounts after only two weeks.  I can't stress enough to start campaign even before you start up with them.  To some this may seem like not enough time because you think you have the whole month or two months to campaign, but no just two weeks and you're done. 

In addition, if you don't reach the minimum of 500 dollars you will not receive any of the money that you raised.  This is actually good that they take slow campaigns down and campaigns with very little money.  If you don't raise enough, but you still have a legal obligation to fulfill with the people who did help you, then you'll have to foot the bill for the rewards you promised and you'll have to make up for the amount of funds you failed to raise. 

So for example, say you needed to raise 1000 dollars in order to publish a book.  But you only raised three hundred dollars and you owe a bunch of people a signed copy of the book.  You'll have to find seven hundred dollars to publish the book and you'll have to purchase copies of your book sign them and then mail each one out to a different location and pay for the shipping and handling fees.  See what I mean? 

Pubslush is a great no-risk guaranteed way to crowd-fund with the literary world.  They also take a lower portion of the final fee than other websites like Indiego-go and Kickstarter, which are much larger.

Check it out! 

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