Friday, January 31, 2014
DC's Poetry Corner
Reach out your hand;
Reach out your hand;
Try to understand.
Can't you see somebody needs you;
You'll never know when you'll need someone too.
Reach out your hand,
Reach out your hand.
Try not to reprimand
Look beneath the body, the mind;
Search the soul and see what you'll find.
Angel Quote
Anton Chekhov
Divination and the Zodiac
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Venus
Dates: April 21-May 21
Quality: Fixed
Gender: Feminine
House: Second (Money)
Monday, January 27, 2014
DC's Poetry Corner
by D. C. Cowan
What's important to you
As you live day by day?
I ask you,
What's important to you,
As you go on your merry way?
I wonder,
What matters to you?
What could be on your mind?
I wonder,
What lesson did you learn?
What truth did you find?
#poem, #author
Elemental Goddesses and Angels
Sky god. Nupe [Nigeria, West Africa]. The name refers specifically to the dark sky that stimulates the growth of crops at the beginning of the rainy season.
Soko is also the name of an angel in the Elemental Angels Series. She's the goddesses of storms, with golden brown skin, white hair and hazel eyes. She's in the classification of angel called Thrones and is an ophanim, which is a high-ranking type of angel.
Source: Encyclopedia of Gods by Michael Jordan
#angels, #goddess
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Africana History Fact
(1937-1998) Nigerian businessman, presidential candidate, and political prisoner.
On June 12, 1993, the popular businessman Abiola won a long-awaited presidential election in Nigeria, only to have the country's military leader, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, annul the election results. When Abiola declared himself the country's legitimate leader a year later, Babingida's successor Gen. Sani Abacha, jailed him for treason. As a political prisoner, Abiola became the rallying symbol for Nigerians' democratic aspirations.
Source: Africana, The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience
#African #history
Angel Quote
angels and clouds. I thought "I can do this." and just enjoyed myself.
- Michelle Kwan, after winning her third U.S. Figure Skating Championships
#angels, #quotes
Friday, January 24, 2014
Angels in Religion
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Archangel Michael, Vatican City |
Angels in Catholicism
Angel Basics
Angels are intermediaries between God and humans. In addition to their roles as servants and messengers, angels are also attendants to God's throne. Catholic angelogy, formulated by St. Thomas Aquinas, outlines a complex hierarchy of nine choirs of angels divided into three groups: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones; Dominions, Virtues, and Powers; Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. The Catechism of the Catholic Church declares: "The existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred Scripture usually calls 'Angels' is a true of faith'. Angels have a huge role in Christian history - announcing Christ's birth, protecting Christ in the wilderness, and battling Satan in the Book of Revelation, and more. Their most important function, however, is as attendants of God's throne.
Angelic Form
Angels are pure spirits and remain incorporeal forever. Traditional Catholicism teachs that angels speak 'within' a person, not 'to' them, thereby maintaining their spiritual nature.
Heavenly Intervention
Each individual has his or her own guardian angel. Guardian angels can intervene in human affairs to help people. They can also influence people's senses and imaginations, but not their wills. They remain with their charges even in heaven. The Catechism states: "From infancy to death human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession." Catholics pray to angels to ask for their help and intercession in human affairs.
Important Angels
Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael are archangels or chief angels. Gabriel announces to Mary that she will give birth to the Son of God. Michael's role includes fighting evil and Satan and rescuing the souls of the faithful at the hour of death. He will be present at the time of the Antichrist and the end of the world. Raphael appears only in the Apocryoha, as the angel who helped Tobias cure his father's blindness in the Book of Tobit. The unnamed Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament is said by some to be the preincarnate of Christ. Lucifer is the fallen archangel who, with one-third of angelic host, was cast out of heaven for the sin of pride. He presides over hell and seeks to lure mankind to sin.
Source: The Big Book of Angels by Editors of Beliefnet
Angels in Religion

Angels in Judaism, or malachim, are messengers of God who help carry out God's work and plans.
Angels are purely spiritual beings who do not have a physical form though Maimonides, the great Jewish sage and biblical commentator, later wrote that physical descriptions of angels were metaphorical.
According to Judaism, angels intervene in stores in the Torah (the first five books of the bible) as God's messengers, such as when an angel stops Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac. There is also the famous story of Jacob wrestling with an angel. But in general, angels initiate the communication from God, not vice versa. There is no angel worship in Judaism, and Jews believe that is only God who determines what happens on earth - angels merely carry out god's will.
Important Angels
Traditionally, Michael is a guardian of the people of Israel. He carries out God's mission of kindness. Gabriel is the angel of judgment and strength. Uriel is an angel who illumines the right path. Rapheal is a healer.
Source: The Big Book of Angels by Editors of Beliefnet
Inspirational Quote

I am an invisible man... I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids - and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.
Ralph Ellison (1914-1994). Prologue to The Invisible Man, 1952
Elemental Gods and Angels

God of the winds. Hindu. His consort is Anjana. Also known as Pavana. Period of worship began around 1700 B. C. and continues to the present day.
He is depicted in sculptures and carvings in metal and stone and found in the literary sources such as the Vedic texts, including Rg Veda and is one of the most important deities of the Vedas. He is depicted in some texts as a chariot driver for the god Agni.
His color is dark blue. He is depicted with an arrow, hook, prayer wheel, staff or water jar.
In the Elemental Angels Series, there is the elemental angel of wind using Vayu's alternate name, Pavana.
Elemental Gods and Angels
Greek God of Primordial Light.
Consort is TheaChildren are...
Helios god of the sun
Selene goddess of the moon.
Hyperion is the name of the Angel of Light in the Elemental Angels Series.
DC's Poetry Corner
Divination and Angels
One book that inspired me since I was in high school is The Book of Divination by Ann Fiery. I enjoy the pictures and the author's depth of understanding different types of divination.
Picture Source: Pinterest
Divination and the Zodiac

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury
August 24-September 22
Quality: Mutable
Gender Feminine
House: Sixth (Health / Work)
Divination and the Zodiac

Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Quality: Mutable
Gender: Masculine
House: Third (Communication)
Divination and the Zodiac
Divination and the Zodiac
Black Rose Poetry
DC's Poetry Corner
DC's Poetry Corner
What times are these?
What times are these
When evil prevails
When righteousness leaves
And good fails
When men must die
For doing right
And you and I
Must fear the night
These, these are times of woe
Of man against man, forever more
Stop, stop for dignity
And become a complete humanity
Text Copyright © 1962-2014 by D. C. Cowan
DC's Poetry Corner
I've loved and been loved, many a time,
And many a time before.
I've lost that love with the passing of time,
Never to love anymore.
I've always seem to find someone else's
Heart beating just for me.
I've lost that someone, because of someone,
Needing it to be.
I've never grieved upon the lost,
Because it was not too real.
I've searched and found, found and lost,
Heartbreak never to feel.
I've seen the light, I'll find my love,
And he'll be mine forever more.
DC's Poetry Corner

Why do you cry?
Why do you cry?
Is it that the world has done you wrong,
Or, have your wronged yourself?
Why do you cry?
Is it that love has failed you,
Or have you failed to love?
Why do you cry?
Is it worth the tears you shed?
Are the tears you shed worth it?
Do you know why you cry?
Or, do you cry because you don't know why?
Tell me,
Why do you cry?
If you can...
By D. C. Cowan
Text Copyright © 1962-2014 by D. C. Cowan
Angel Quote
Every man hath a good and bad angel attending on him in particular all his life long.
Robert Burton (1577-1640). The Anatomy of Melancholy,, 1621-1651
Angel Quote
Angel Quote

Angel Quote
Angel Quote
Angel Quote
Angel Quote
I've been on the verge of being an angel all my life, but it hasn't happened yet.
Mark Twain, Autobiography
Angel Quote
My God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths and they have not hurt me, because i was found blameless before him.
Daniel 6:22
Daniel (8th Century B. C.), Explaining his survival to King Darius, who had thrown him into the lions' den.
Angels in Religion

Angels in Religion
Angels in Protestant Christianity
In Protestant Christianity, angels are messengers and carry out God's will but have less elaborate characteristics and less prominence than in Catholicism. Angels are most important in their gospel role of ministering to Jesus and assisting the disciples.
Angelic Form
Angels are created as spiritual beings - not as humans. They can take on a corporeal form if doing so will help them do their work on earth. They are genderless and invisible.
Heavenly Intervention
They provide guidance and assurance to believers and pray for them in heaven. John Calvin rejected the concept of guardian angels, saying, "All the angels watch over our salvation." Not all angels are good however. Satan, or Lucifer, the rebel angel, is a constant threat to unwary souls.
Important Angels
All biblical angels are important. Most protestant theologians, however warn against the Catholic practice of praying to angels (which they view as idolatry) and the angel hierarchy of Catholicism because these traditions are not biblical and are not seen as having pagan roots. The devil is prominent as the "ruler of this world" whom humanity must struggle to overcome.
Source: Big Book of Angels, by Editors of Beliefnet
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